E Depois

We compose instantly, playing live together in interaction and dialogue. The final track is a product of the recording of this performance. Therfore nothing has been changed or added after the performance.

We use the doublebass, some chosen material of the archive and the electronic transformation of these two sources.

The choice of the material is based on personal experiances we had in Portugal and that we connect in our imaginary with a rural landscape: birds, dogs, language and some undefined noise even if they are concrete. Since I (Milena, who transforms the field recordings) speaks and understands the language, I tried to extract langugae particuls as sound bits where our ears still understands the existance of a person emitting the sounds but without the transmition of any meaning.

We start with the two different layers that in the beginning are pure and will be transformed and merged into one sounding identity of the piece. The layers will change the focus position of the listener, wandering from identifiable sounds (doublebass, birds etc) to an own acoustig landscape of our imagined rural fantasy, created by the mix of analogue, haptic recordings and the digital electronic trasnformation.

The element that during this follows the opposite direction is the voice. In the beginning only percived as little bits without meaning it leads almost to a “storyteller” – without story – constantly repeating “e depois”: something will follow in this succession, but it is not told, it is only heard by the recorded abstract (now) musical elements.

Artistically the composition is like an undefined “deep knowledge”, an imagined feeling of an picture that by the moment of reaching the focus slips away into the imaginary.

[soundcloud id=’295484287′ height=’false’ color=’#ff7700′]