LAB – Performative practices in the urban space in Fortaleza-Brazil

The laboratory “Other places, formats and performative practices” organized a ten-day working meeting of 3 German and 3 Brazilian artists and researchers that during this period work with the topics of collaboration, collective and performative practices in public space. How is the city perceived, imagined and performed? Which artistic strategies can be applied to the urban environment reshape it with artistic means?

Participants were Walmerie Ribeiro, Milena Kipfmüller, Pablo Assumpcao, Paula Hildebrand, Nathalie Fari and Solon Ribeiro.

Period: 8.24 to 9.2 in 2013 in Fortaleza, Brazil

Time period: 24.8 to 2.9 2013 in Fortaleza, Brazil

More about (texts, pictures, videos) on the webpage of the LAB.

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